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Winter Season Announcement

Winter Season Announcement

Welcome to Fireside Farms! 

We are extremely excited to be moving into our Winter 2023 season. 


We are pleased to be a vendor at Ottawa Farmer's Market at the Landsdowne location where it's hot and toasty inside. 

See you there!

Market Dates: 

Saturday, Dec 2nd - 10am-4pm

Sunday Dec 3rd - 10am-4pm

Saturday, Dec 9th - 10am-4pm

Sunday, Dec 10th - 10am-4pm

Saturday, Dec 16th - 10am-4pm

Sunday, Dec 17th - 10am-4pm


And a note that we have updated our FarmBox pricing to reflect our seasonal growing needs: 

Fresh Box - 7 items for $24

Family Box - 10 items for $33

Feast Box - 13 items for $42 


And finally, we have added many new postal codes to our delivery area - if you are unsure if we are serving your community, send us a quick message! 



We look forward to serving you fresh, natural produce all winter long! 


Growing together - The Fireside Farm Team  


